A future in the aftermath of a pro-life, pro-choice war. The outcome: unwinding. Children must be kept until the age of 16, when the parents have the option to donate all their body parts to people in need of them. In this way, the children aren't being thrown away or killed, but kept alive as the rest of society uses their parts.
Unwind takes the point of view of three different kids sentenced to be unwound, but for different reasons. Connor is a trouble maker and his parents can no longer tolerate him. Risa is part of an over crowded orphanage. And Lev is a religious sacrafice, who has lived his entire life knowing he will be unwound when he comes of age. Together, the three run away and hide, in hopes that they will not be found until they reach 18, when they can no longer be unwound.
A classic dystopian novel that covers many of our societies issues from abortion, to our "throw away" lifestyle, to suicide bombing. And as different and unrelated as those topics may seem, Shusterman relates them beautifully without seeming to rant or preach about any of the topics. A great read, but another story you must take with a grain of salt.